Unable to deny the chemistry between them, Dominik and Summer embark on an intense affair full of daring twists and turns, as unpredictable as it is thrilling. For Summer it...
"To count us in" (unofficial title translation)
Socio-political involement of gypsies and efforts to establish a Romani organization in postwar Czechoslovakia.
The authors...
He thought he could forget her. Dumb Leo who canceled his email and flew to Boston. Or don't you remember the last words of Daniel Glattauer's novel The Good Against the...
The quest for the Vampaneze Lord continues for the hunters of the dusk. Darren gets an unwelcome taste of reality when he is forced to go back to school and his past catches...
Psychologický román o neobvyklém prázdninovém soužití tří manželských párů z Německa v malé vesničce v západním Yorkshiru, které vyústí v nečekanou tragédii....
The publication Anatomy of a leap into the Void presents artworks and realisations that we are created as a reaction to the violent suppression of the Prague Spring by the...
Every day is the same for Rhiannon. She has accepted her life, convinced herself that she deserves her distant, temperamental boyfriend, Justin, even established guidelines by...
A twelve-year-old boy named Ziauddin, a gofer at a tea shop near the railway station, is enticed into wrongdoing because a fair-skinned stranger treats him with dignity and...
Big Nate Novels #4
This time, Nate and his friends are in the Ultimate Snowdown—a wintry snow-sculpture competition against the bullies from Jefferson Middle...
A laugh-out-loud must-read illustrated novel starring the one and only cartooning genius, king of detention, and Cheez Doodle connoisseur, Nate Wright. Nate’s not having...