
The most trendy sewing magazine with patterns for girls and boys. It contains 26 fashion patterns including attachments from size 80 to 176. The magazine is foreign language,...

Step into the magic of the holiday season with Bild der Frau Advent Magazine 🎄✨! This special edition is your ultimate guide to enjoying a cozy and festive Christmas...

Burda Curvy is a fashion magazine for women with curves. It brings modern and stylish cuts adapted to different figures, so that every woman can make trendy and well-fitting...

An Italian magazine about handicrafts from sewing to crochet and embroidery. Each issue contains around 60 tutorials, tricks, tips and patterns, supported by illustrative...

Marie Claire Idees se zaměřuje na módu a krásu v domácím stylu, kariérní úspěch a každé číslo obsahuje jednoduché pokyny pro širokou škálu řemesel a projektů.

Mein Deco und Bastelspass is a classic handicraft and hobby magazine for adults that contains a wealth of magical craft ideas and a variety of techniques for making...